2016 November 
Publiée le 7 November 2016

4th transnational meeting in Bordeaux organized by Interaction Healthcare

The 4th transnational meeting was held at Interaction Healthcare in Bordeaux. The 5 partners were present. Also attended the meeting a representative of Autonom¹Lab, a living lab focused on healthcare and autonomy of disabled people. During the meeting, an assessment of progress on PETHRA’s intellectual productions was made. After several months work for the physiotherapists […]

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2016 November 
Publiée le 7 November 2016

Call for project Scale me up, PETRHA laureate

Scale Me Up is a call for projects entry initiated by the Secrétariat d¹Etat au Commerce, à l’Artisanat et à l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS). Its purpose is to enhance coopération in social economy between the european countries. The call for entry was answered by 140 candidates. 10 of the projects were pre-selected by représentatives […]

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