Scale Me Up is a call for projects entry initiated by the Secrétariat d¹Etat au Commerce, à l’Artisanat et à l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS). Its purpose is to enhance coopération in social economy between the european countries. The call for entry was answered by 140 candidates.
10 of the projects were pre-selected by représentatives of the Secrétariat d¹Etat à l’ESS assisted by AVISE (gence française d¹ingénierie et de service pour entreprendre autrement).
A jury composed of representatives of the european governments then selected the 5 winning projects, one of which was PETHRA.
Consequently, the IRFSS Aquitaine and its two european partners, the Public University of Navarro and the Polytechnic Institute of Porto benefitted from a week of intense boosting between october 31 and november 4 of this year.
During the week, they attended workshops on legal and financial subjects more specifically on european financing coached by experts were given a strategic coaching and a training for creating Tools to measure the social impact of the project.
This week of intense activity gave the IRFSS Aquitaine and its partners a considerable boost, and a conviction that the learnings of these 5 days was a solid asset for helping PETHRA to develop and spread even wider in Europ and internationally.